Info: 'This document was created using E-Mail fax, the shareware program that lets you fax by e-mail. Included in this file with the pages that were e-mail faxed to you is the E-Mail fax viewer 1.1.0 application which allows you to view E-Mail'
Bounds: x1=25, y1=110, x2=445, y2=178
Type: -120
Info: 'fax documents. Click on "save viewer" below to save a copy of the viewer application to your hard disk. This operation may give a warning from any virus protection you may have running. After this, your document will automatically be'
Bounds: x1=25, y1=174, x2=445, y2=239
Type: -120
Info: 'opened. If you already have version 1.1.0 of the viewer, click on "already have viewer" to strip the viewer code from this document and open it. If you don't want to strip the code and just want to open the document, click "just open."'
Info: 'E-Mail fax allows you to send faxes by e-mail. This viewer application will read and print E-Mail fax files. You may distribute this application as you wish.'